

From January onwards I will offer an opportunity for seniors to encounter themselves and each other through movement on a weekly basis:

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23./24.09.2024, Market Groseria, Stolec Poland

In a currently empty store in the village Stolec, close by Szczecin in Poland, the Ensemble Zaytun created an opportunity for artists and people of the community to meet and exchange. 

Joanna and me have the pleasure to share a part of our performance FANTASTIC COLLECTIONS there and I am leading a workshop about in-between spaces: 

In this workshop I invite you to dance together and connect to each other through playfulness and joy of moving. With the help of music and simple guided exercises we will explore our own dancing body and the group as a social space of in-between moments.
The workshop is open to adults and young adults who enjoy to move. Prior experience is not needed. Duration: 90 min Welcome!

Photo: Malik Meyer

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at MARC - Milvus Artistic Research Center (14/8-26/8/24)

research phase for UNDERLIGA DUNDER a dance piece for young audiences 

Dance & Concept: Nellie Björklund & Mira Jochimsen

Photo: Rachel Tess

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fragile bodies

Tanz- und Theaterperformance für drei Performer*innen, einen Sound artist und einen Container.

Menschenschmuggel, irreguläre Migration und moderne Sklaverei: Die deutsch-tschechische Tanz- und Theaterperformance fragile bodies bringt die oft unsichtbaren Erzählungen unseres Wohlstands ans Licht. Drei Performer*innen, ein Soundartist und ein Container werden in Stuttgart zu einer temporären Inszenierung.

WO: Marga-von-Etzdorf Platz, Stuttgart
WANN: 25.07. – 20:30 Premiere; 26.07. - 20.30; 27.07. - 20.30; 28.07. - 17:00 & 20:30

TEAM Soundinstallation: Michael Akstaller (DE) Schauspiel: Laura S. Becker(DE), Jiří Šimek (CZ) wissen-schaftliche Mitarbeit/Vermittlung: Pavla Jenková (CZ) Regie/Text: Adelheid Schulz (DE) Tanz/Choreo-graphie/Ausstattung: Kira Senkpiel (DE/NO) Künstlerische Leitung: Adelheid Schulz und Kira Senkpiel
Technische Leitung: Gui Votteler Tontechnik: Christian Hotz Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: KUNE ArtsProduktion: schæfer&sœhne Produktionsassistenz: Mira Jochimsen Grafik:

Gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. Dem Fachbereich KiöR der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, dem Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfond sowie dem Mobility Grant der Europäischen Union und dem Goethe-Institut.

Photo: Dominique Brewing

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28.07.2024: A Living Artwork - Work in Progress, discussion at the Museum of Medical History at Charité Berlin. 

Facilitation, curation & hosting: 
Sonja Bäumel (Artist, Art educator)
Janina Krepart (Artist, Art Educator)
Birgit Nemec (Historian and Cultural scientist)
Jules Sturm (Cultural analyst)

Photo: Sonja Bäumel

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at SYKLI Residency center: Fantastic Collections - through the lens of interruption 

With this week long residency we are interested in looking closer into the experience and impact of interrupting as a physical practice, working on challenging our habitual movement patterns and other inherited norms of dancing. We are looking for opportunities to bring unconventional ways of contemporary dancing into the meeting with local audiences, outside artistic centres and wish to experiment with playfulways of engaging and encouraging our spectators. 

Dance: Joanna Kerkelä & Mira Jochimsen
Sound: Johan Stohne
Producer at SYKLI: Anna Koivukangas
Supported by:

& SYKLI Residency centre

photos: Kristiina Jaakola

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Sunday, 05. May 2024, 13.00 at Oulaisten Yläkoulun Sali, Oulainen, Finland.

At this event for youth and children we are presenting a version of the piece ‘Fantastic Collections - through the lens of interruption’. Together with Joanna Kerkelä and Johan Stohne, this is the opening moment to our week long residency in Oulainen, Finland, supported by the Nordic Culture Fund.

photo: Kristiina Jaakola

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Sunday, 28. April 2024, 18.00 at WELD, Stockholm. Norrtullsgatan 7. 

In the fall of 2023, Weld, along with a group of newly graduated dancers from SKH, initiated the In-Between Talks project to share thoughts, feelings and dance in the transition between school and professional life in the form of a series of interviews that could be subscribed to. The project also included the Open Corners Stage Lab, an evening of dance and choreography from the same group of students.

Now the six friends, colleagues and former classmates are back at Weld. Ten months after their graduation, they come together to share through dance what has remained and what has emerged since they graduated.

We met in the studio to share our dreams, needs, and practices. This time, we started from the common desire of doing together: gathering and moving together, dancing on the beat together, sweating and playing together, insisting on practicing together, experimenting and creating together, being lost and being found together.

Practicing, failing and researching assembling movements in space. When a new orientation takes place, the previous orientations and their effects exist in the space in parallel, echoing, mirroring, multiplying, resonating the space, relating to the bigger ecology of movements.

From these acts and encounters, we would like to share what we have been working on recently.

Warmly welcome!

Working group: Philippa Felländer-Tsai, Mira Jochimsen, Joanna Kerkelä, Laura Linna, Kacper Migas and Roula Samiotaki.

Produced with support by Weld.

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Saturday, 13. January 2024. 16.00-18.00 at Ulica Noakowieskiego 20/9, Szczecin: 

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